This is a small utility program that shows the current and maximum allowed temperature of SCSI drives on IRIX (the operating system for Silicon Graphics computers). It can also show the self-test history information and issue self-tests. Some SATA/SAS drives are also supported.
The download link below contains both the source-code and a MIPS3 binary for IRIX 6.5. You can install the binary by copying it anywhere you like (e.g. into /usr/local/bin/
Example ↵^
Help message
# ./scsimon -h Usage: scsimon [-h] [-v] [-V] [-t {s|e|a}] [device] Example: scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d1l0 Options: -h : display this help message and exit -v : be verbose (shows drive uptime & self-test results) -V : display version and exit -t type : perform a self-test ('short', 'extended' or 'abort') Running the program without giving a specific device will display the status of all SCSI drives on the system. Please make sure you run the program as root.
Short output
# ./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d1l0: [SEAGATE ST336754LC D403] 43C/109F [68C/154F]
The first temperature is the current drive temperature, the second (in brackets) is the maximum allowed temperature, as reported by the drive. Note that some drives don't report the maximum temperature.
Temperatures are reported in both degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit to make everyone happy (but note that the drives themselves measure the temperature in Celsius, so that reading is going to be more precise).
Verbose output
# ./scsimon -v /dev/scsi/sc0d1l0: Inquiry response: [SEAGATE ST336754LC D403] Current temperature: 43C/109F Maximum temperature: 68C/154F Drive uptime (total): 4536168 minutes (= 3150d 2h 48m) Next internal test in 94 minutes Self-test data (newest first): 0: at: 10042h type: bg short result: completed OK 1: at: 6013h type: bg short result: completed OK 2: at: 2h type: bg extended result: completed OK
Known bugs ↵^
Some drives return a silly value for their uptime (thousands of years). This happens because they store some other information in that field or keep the uptime in a different format than what my program is expecting — this is completely harmless. I should probably look into this at some point, but currently don't have any drives that behave in such way.
Download ↵^
scsimon-1.3.tar.bz2 (10867 bytes, MD5: deabf709aa71f381c984eb3eb83cfdfc, last updated on: 2017-01-22)